I thought I knew exactly want I wanted; to study a certain course, travel to certain countries, work at a certain magazine, LIVE A CERTAIN LIFE... but now I'm not so sure!
For years I have wanted to study communications and planned on one day becoming a world famous magazine editor...at a certain publication...but I don't think that excites me anymore?
I thought for years that there were only a few countries that I wanted to see...but now I want to see them all (well most)!
I don't know what I want anymore...maybe I'm just exhausted from work n assignments n not actually getting any days off anymore...maybe I'm growing up!

Whatever it is, I'm actually really excited about it, because I think for once I might actually step out of my comfort zone and do something different! I might also break the mould of who everybody THINKS I am and actually allow myself to shine through!
I feel like getting away...taking a big leep and doing something different!
I like to think about life a lot...if you can't already tell...and I guess this blog is about me rethinking what I want in life...so what do I want?
Well...I know if I could have one thing...it would be that all my friends n family were happy n healthy...what more could I ask for!
Other than that I guess my own happiness...and I couldn't find greater happiness than in knowing that everything I did was because I wanted to...not because others expect me to!
I'm starting to see that being somebody your not leads you only to unhappiness and that actually being true to yourself will lead you to happiness!
So what do I want in life...to begin to be true to myself in who I want to be and in what sort of life I want to live! For too long I've allowed other people to dictate my life and allow their beliefs to become mine...
I guess what I really want now...is to live my life!
Till next time,