Saturday, November 24, 2007

Hear no evil, see no evil, SPEAK NO EVIL

I've always been told that there are three things in life you should never talk about!
They are sex, religion and politics.
Because they are incredibly personal topics.

In case you've been living under a rock, Australia held a Federal Election yesterday and the Australian Labor Party won, making Kevin Rudd the new Prime Minister.

So naturally, this is what has influenced this blog. At my work the topic came up one day of who everybody was going to vote for, I tried to distance myself from this conversation but it didn't work!
Apparently I'm one of the only people in my area who doesn't support the Liberal Party and apparently it's a BAD thing! Why? I don't really know and quite frankly I don't really care!

Now, don't get me wrong... each to there own and I am happy for people to support the political party they choose, but I'm not for it becoming a hot topic and one that must be talked about because "I'm different!"

This has also come up at school and sometimes it can become quite heated!
I think there is a time and a place to talk politics and I think that we should be able to, but I don't think it should turn into personal attacks on people.

The second part of my blog has to do with people actually voting!
I have always been taught by my parents that to have the power and ability to have a say in your country's future is an incredibly special thing and one that shouldn't be taken lightly!
Why? Because there are so many people in this world who will never get the chance to have a say in not only the way their country is run, but ultimately in the way their lives are run!
I am also passionate about it because being a female having the ability to vote is a luxury that was afforded to my sex only a century ago!

When I hear somebody say that they don't care about voting I begin to get frustrated, because it's more than likely that this will be the same person who complains when the Government passes a policy which will affect them! I don't care what people say, your vote counts and you should exercise your right to vote because at least then you know that you did have your say!

Ah, election time is always interesting!
I just can't wait to go back into work and see the looks on the Howard supporters faces who assured me that the Liberal Party would win and made such an effort to remind me of that!
But I won't need to say anything, because actions speak louder than words and my action was voting...

Till next time,



Anonymous said...

haha i agree sex, politics and religion are tricky topics.

no matter what way people sway politically, they should take their vote seriously because it does directly affect them! not matter what they think. donkey voting is so stupid.

it does feel good though, first time we vote and howard is gooone

Sugar n Spice. said...

Hey there sweety, loving your blog! All your posts are really different and interesting, great work, I'm so proud! Hahaha. Hey and you know I totally new Allie would comment you on this one, so predictable! Hehe, she's such a politics lover but I think that's fabulous! Go girlfriend!

Oh and like I was saying to you yesterday, I totally agree with the fact that voting should be strictly confidential. I had people (who were not close friends, just nosey bastards) asking who I voted for and all I can say is clearly they have no class and were not raised properly.

On a lighter note though, I thought voting was actually a pretty unique experience, and I'd even go as far as saying that it was actually quite fun!!!! hehehehe. You'll probably think this is hilarious, but my mum was even gonna take a photo of me outside the place where we voted cause it was my first time. Luckily that didn't end up happening! Hahaha. xoxoxox

A. said...

add sport to that list too! haha. (great blog, i hate when people talk politics at work! awkward...)

hmm, i tend to agree with you about not being apathetic and so on, but isn't it also democratic to be able to have the choice to vote in the first place?

i didn't complain to the company, it's enough drama as is. i'm gonna leave it to karma... being mean doesn't get anyone anywhere.