Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Change, what is it good for?

I've been thinking lately... dangerous I know, actually thinking for myself!
But what I've been thinking of is where this year has taken me!

Every (average) year has:
12 months,
52 weeks,
365 days.

What I've begun to think of is how much my life has changed in that time.

I began this year surrounded by many people I love n now some of those people have gone.
Which fits in to what I thought this year would be about, 2007 was, for me, going to be a year of change!

So back to the thinking, I'm relfecting on what this year has been and ultimatley who I have become!

To look at the person I began the year as and the person I now am, they are two very different people. Why? Because I removed some people from my life who did nothing but bring out the worst in me and allowed others in who make me shine.

Another change has been accepting that in the end, I am ultimately responsible for my destiny.
For years I had blamed others decisions on my outcomes and was happy to blame them when things didn't go my way. Now I look at it as even though you may not directly choose everything that happens to you, it's you who can make them work in your benefit and it's you who can the make the most out of it!

Change is important, it pushes us and makes us re-evaluate everything we thought we were and knew! It allows us to grow as individuals and it can give us another chance.
Change has taken me to some of the most beautiful cities in this sunburnt country and allowed me to meet amazing people. It has allowed me to grow and discover new and amazing things about myself, other people and the world.

Some people fear change, they like what is familiar and are happy to continue living like that!
I'm not, because even though sometimes it seems like making a change was the worst thing ever, I remind myself that things can only get better and that worse things happen to better people!

Ok so maybe this rant is a bit strange, but I'm just happy to be thinking about this year and that by allowing myself and my world to change, I've become a better person.

Not quite sure what 2008 will be about yet, but I'm ready for it,

Till next time,



Anonymous said...

how fast has this year gone?! its crazy, i'm pretty happy with this year so far as well. change is good.

you'll have to put up with me in 2008 as well x

ange said...

omg i know how fast has this year flown!!!! i blinked and its suddenly christmas season lol.. totally agree with you change comments...i think everyone changes as the year progresses aswell, its only natural!!
love the blog, its great!!