Thursday, January 17, 2008

All Good Things Must Come To An End

When I began this blog three months ago I was sure of one thing, no matter what, this blog wasn't going to become personal... It would remain free of any traces of my thoughts and feelings... though that has proved a difficult decision to follow through on...

I believe that you begin a journey without knowing where it will take you or who you will be when it ends...

I didn't even realise but three months ago I began a journey which would lead me to realise a lot of things about myself and how I was living my life...

So, upon making this discovery I felt it only fitting to write my last post on what it has meant to blog and how it has changed my perception of a few things...

I had never blogged before I created this page and I was quite hesitant to begin... If I felt as though I needed to have a say about something or I just wanted to rant about something I would approach family or friends to talk about it...However I came to discover that blogging gave me another avenue...

I knew these blogs didn't have to be personal and I was happy with that, but like most things in life after a while you cannot help but put little bits of yourself in... I think it was fear at first that kept me from writing about what I may have been thinking or feeling at the time, yet after a while what I found was a great avenue to explore my feelings!

I find at times that I can think too much and that when this happens I get so carried away with analysing my thoughts that I miss what is happening around me! This blog allowed me to write these feelings down and by doing so I was able to get them out of my head! Now I know people reading this may wonder why I am saying this and after reading previous posts, wonder where all these deep and meaningful posts are. The answer is many of them I never published I just found it good to be able to write them down somewhere.

I am looking forward to having a well deserved break but what I am really looking forward to is beginning my final chapter at Insearch. I cannot believe that a year has almost passed since I began this course and what a year it has been. Before you know it, Insearch will be a distant memory but they will be good ones. I know I have complained and been quite emotional many times about this course, but I think so many of my classmates will agree we have all come away with so much and for that I will be forever grateful and I will never regret the day I enrolled at Insearch.

Life sometimes has a different plan to the one you imagined but its good to sometimes take a different path because I like to think that you do have to go through harder times to appreciate the good ones. I didn't imagine that I would be studying at Insearch but it has been an eye opener. Back to blogs, if I had never enrolled at Insearch I would never have realised how important blogs had become to communication and being a communications student this is quite useful to know.

Before I end on what will possibly be my final post I would just like to say a big thank you to one person, Russell. I know it may seem at times as though our class wasn't interested but we really were. Having talked to a few fellow students about this class and having read most of the blogs, it seems that we have all gained something from this course. It has been an interesting and fun journey and one that has opened my eyes to a lot of things. It was also incredibly interesting to know how my classmates thought.

So on this note I will bid you all a fond farewell,


x x

: )

1 comment:

Peter Podcast said...

Alway knew you were interested!
I will miss your blogs.
Keep writing and exploring.